Bunker Punks

The Bunker

Bunker Punks

The Bunker

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

990 likes, 4 brains, 2 indigo Serendipity's, A Mad Dad, A Cat on a Trampoline, A Sleepy Momma and Me



  1. A great kind of awesomeness
    Keep on going

  2. Lmao. Did you give her an autograph or what? She deserves it!

    This was amazing. Im glad I got to witness it and be a part of it. I remember sharing you when you only had 200 likes! Wasn't that last month? Lol. Punk Rock Papa IS an internet sensation, you took fb by the balls!

    Im proud of you and happy for you but most of all... Im freakin jealous!

  3. I'm not breakin out a skirt and pom poms, but I'll put on my best camo n boots, salute you with a PBR and light shit on fire. Cheers Bro! Stay awesome!
    ♡ MURPH

  4. I will always be your cheerleader!! Way to go little brother! So proud of you!!

  5. Woo HOO!! So happy for you! And you are right...numbers DO matter! It's hard to not let them affect you. :) Keep up the great work! I still remember when I got my 1st HUNDRED how excited I was. Then 1,000. Now working on 5k. Each milestone feels AWESOME! <3
