Bunker Punks

The Bunker

Bunker Punks

The Bunker

Monday, September 29, 2014

Better you than me! An Ode to Motherhood


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Papa! It is nice to hear this from the man's perspective. I know that my ex would have loved to liquor me up a few times, especially while I was in labor and smashing his hand on the wooden bed rail...over and over and over....yeah, I was making sure he was feeling my pain. ;)
    Now, you and Mr. Steel have the same line of thinking...he has said numerous times that he doesn't see how us women go through 9 months of harboring an alien, the pain and exhaustion of pushing said alien out...only to cry with joy when he/she cries for the first time and then love on it like (with all the goo still on it for some) it was the first ever child to be born. LOL When his kids were born, he was not in the delivery room...that was still taboo back then. (almost 40 yrs ago) And when his daughter delivered her youngest, he was in AWE of her...as he well should be. LOL Yup, you and Mr. Steel have the right way of thinking here. :)
